Faculty Achievements
ACADEMIC YEAR (2023-2024)
Dr Surekha C, Dr Ridhima Shukla, Dr Saswati Bhattacharya, Ms Sabornee Karmakar and Ms Osheen Saxena received a grant of 3.94 Lakhs INR from the Senior Citizen Division, National Institute of Social Defense, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi for organizing two dates State/ Regional Conference on 'Fostering Intergenerational Connections: Successful Aging and Gerontology'.

Ms.Aavleen Bakshi, Assistant Professor, gave a talk on ‘Beyond The Couch: A Comprehensive Look at Clinical & Counseling Psychology Practice across diverse professional arenas’, as part of Alumni Week 2023, Career Guidance and Placement Cell, School of Human Ecology, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai in December 2023. Ms. Aavleen Bakshi was also Conference Convenor and Session Chairperson for National Conference on Mental Health and Well Being 2023, Christ University in December 2023.

Dr. Rakesh K. R received Seed Money for his project on 'Assessing the perception and deception of AI-generated content across expertise levels'.

Dr. Sonali Mukherjee received Seed Money for her project on 'The Paradox of Self-Handicapping: Imposter Phenomenon, Affective Components, and Psychological Distress'.

Ms. Hema MA received Seed Money for her project on 'Development and Implementation of 10x Capacity Building Program for Leaders'.

Ms. Hema. M. A. and Mr. A Sabu John conducted Faculty Development Program (FDP) for St Mary's High School, All Saints College and St Joseph's College, Nainital via Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC) in February 2024.

Ms. Sreelatha S Narayanan received funding of 7 Lakhs INR for her consultancy project: Birth Bond Project via CHRIST Consultancy in December 2023.